May 22, 2019

Diploma In Early Child Care & Education


It provides childcare services for children whose parents are not able to do so themselves


Subjects :

Child Development
Programme Planning for ECCE
Art and Craft Development
Teaching Practice
Health and Nutrition
Communication Skills
Outdoor Games and Physical Education
School Organization and Administration


They have good career prospect in households , an expert for parents for satisfying physical , emotional, intellectual & social needs of their children. They have planning for laundry, clothing care, discipline , language activities , transportation etc.

  1. Also work in clinics, medical and research centres.
  2. They can enter military services, railway etc.
  3. They are mostly required in foreign countries with a pay scale of $19.81 upto $29.13 per hour.
  4. A specific no. of Indians are intending to work abroad as a caretaker.